The percentages you use with Excel are just the same as the ones you might calculate with...
If you've used versions of Excel prior to 2007, you'll probably find Excel 2010 a bit of a culture shock - and I am a master of understatement...
Most people who want to produce an Excel spreadsheet make their first mistake when they fire up Excel...
The COUNT function is used in Excel to find out how many items appear in a specific area of the worksheet. Unfortunately...
Learn the 4 steps that make entering a calculation into an Excel spreadsheet work reliably every time.
If the boss has just asked you to start using Microsoft Excel, the answer to the question above probably ranges from 'The devil incarnate' to 'Maths -- ugggh!!!' and all points in between...
Isn't it annoying when you see someone else speeding through a Word document with the ease and grace of a thoroughbred?
OK, without spending too much time playing bad slide, good slide with you, here are the three things people get wrong most often when creating PowerPoint presentations...